Tag Archives: imaginators

Unboxing A HUGE Haul of Skylanders Imaginators

Skylanders Imaginators Haul
Photo-A-Day #4201

I received a big box of Skylanders Imaginators figures from Activision for free to review. Opinions of the game and toys are 100% my own.I was so surprised to find out that I was going to be getting a full set of Wave One toys for Skylanders Imaginators. The only thing I am missing is the Chompy Mage which is an exclusive to Amazon.com. It is only being sold as part of the Villain Sensei 5-pack. I had ordered that and the Sensei 8-Pack but cancelled those orders after today’s delivery. The box itself was 13 pounds! Inside there were so many figures in the box. I couldn’t even open all of them today. I decided then to just unbox the starter pack so that I could play it tonight. That didn’t even happen until later tonight. I did have an embargo until 7pm tonight and used that time to create a couple of videos. First up is my opening the giant box from Activision.

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3 Jyns and an Arrow Season 5 Premiere

Top of the Hill Andrew
Photo-A-Day #4194

I took Andrew for a little walk around the Attleboro Springs Wildlife Sanctuary. I was surprised to see that there were some tadpoles in the water. I thought it was way too late to see any tadpoles. As we stood there watching we saw catfish and minnows as well. Andrew had fun running all around and then climbing the Pudding Stone.

I had a fairly successful hunt for a Doctor Strange t-shirt today. I found one at Hot Topic and I also found the hot Topic exclusive Jyn Erso figure. This one is in a hoodie. I learned that the Ahsoka Tano exclusive pop was released today but my local Hot Topic didn’t receive any. I will have to take a look at their Facebook page and see when it arrives.

While I was at the mall I saw that some new Marvel character cars had been released including a Doctor Strange one. The prices were $1 more than everywhere else because that is what the collector’s places do, they jack things up. I went to Target to see if I could find some there. No Marvel Hot Wheels character cars to speak of but there was a new Star Wars one that I found, a Jawa. I’m pretty sure that I do not have one of those in my collection.

While I was at Target I walked down the video game aisle and I saw that there were the Skylanders Imaginators already on the shelves. I knew that that could not have been right. The game comes out on October 16 and if that is the case than there would be a block on being able to buying the game. I let them know, but not until I had taken photos of all the figures that I could. You can see the whole Skylanders Imaginators gallery on my Facebook Fan Page. I also made a Youtube Video about the new Skylanders Imaginators figures.

Tonight was the premiere of Arrow. Oliver is back in action but he is now working alone. He is also the mayor of Star City. Being in two places at once is something that he’s going to have to deal with if he is going to succeed. There are also some other players including a new bad guy, Tobias Church, trying to take over things in the city and also some other vigilantes. Felicity wants Oliver to recruit them but Oliver wants none of it. The whole team is scattered. Thea is out, she has found a new life and no longer wants to be a vigilante. Laurel is dead. Diggle went back to the Army. Captain Lance fell off the wagon but has found new purpose. Curtis is spending more time down in the Arrow bunker and is starting to think of his own path. The flashbacks this year are of Oliver’s time in Russia and becoming part of the Bratva. When this year is over we’ll know how and why Oliver ended up back on Lian Yu. Oliver has also made a bunch more trick arrows. The rest of my thoughts are in the video.

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