Tag Archives: Jeff Tremaine

Skylanders Trap Team – Dark Edition Arrived Today

Photo-A-Day #3468

The waiting is finally over and I’ve gotten my hands on Skylanders Trap Team! Now can can finally use all those figures I bought and start playing. Well that is after I unbox the Dark Edition. Luckily I got some time this afternoon to shoot an unboxing video of the Dark Edition. I also cut in the quick interview I did with Paul Reiche of Toys For Bob. He’s the Studio head there and he was at the Skylanders Trap Team Event that was held in New York a few weeks ago. He was the nice man who played catch with Andrew as Andrew three some display boxes to Paul. Andrew can be quite an imp, especially when he is sugared up. Here is that unboxing video.

Tonight after dinner the kids gathered around and we played through the first stage of the game. There are some big differences in this game over previous ones. For one thing there are mystery characters and mystery gates. Only TrapMasters can open gates so this looks like a game that we’ll play through once, twice or even three times and not complete it until we have all the figures. That should give me plenty of time to level up my characters from previous games. It is going to take me a while before I know enough to really talk completely intelligently about all aspects of the game, but I’ll get there. Continue reading Skylanders Trap Team – Dark Edition Arrived Today