Photo-A-Day #3998
With Easter coming this weekend it is time to start thinking about what to put inside your baskets. In our house we try to limit the overall amount of candy that is put into the kid’s baskets. However, you can’t go having a Easter basket without jelly beans and now Mike and Ike makes some great jelly beans. We received a bunch of these new jelly beans to check out and review. Opinions are our own. There are two flavors of the jelly beans: Assorted Fruit and Tangy Twister. There is also a limited-edition Mike and Ike box called Easter Treats.
Easter baskets also mean fun toys and games for the kids as well. I picked up some Crayola Sidewalk Chalk and some Color Alive coloring books. This way the kids have something to do other than to tear through a ton of candy.
Another thing that I have been doing ever since the kids were small was to hide Hot Wheels cars in eggs for the egg hunt. This year I picked up eight cars and eight large shiny eggs. This way each of the kids get 2 cars each (I’m including our niece and nephew in this as well). I explain more in today’s vlog.
More about the Mike and Ike flavors below.