Photo-A-Day #4001
Allison and the kids had no school today so everyone was home. They had a day planned out of the house so that I could get some rest before work. That was so nice of them, however, I didn’t do that. Instead I went to see Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice with my Dad. It was a very last minute decision on my part. I was at the house and the kids were having a visit with our friends and their kids. I was doing a few things around the house like pulling together all the crib and baby stuff that we no longer needed so that we could donate it to some people who needed it. I just figured that I would catch the movie before I heard the reviews from all the critics. I wanted to form my own opinion and it was pretty low going into the movie. You can see what I thought of it from the video below.
Continue reading Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice – My Take