Tag Archives: Kayaking

Kid Free Day

Photo-A-Day #3785

Allison and I had a day all to ourselves. It was the first one in a very long time. Eva was off to the Cape with Auntie Tara. Andrew was trying out Scribble Time for the first time. So, what were we to do with a day to ourselves. Sure, we could have caught up on the DVR and huddled by the AC. But, we haven’t been out on the water in such a long time. So, we took our boats over to Falls Pond to paddle for a few hours. It also gave me some time to shoot photos with the Samsung Galaxy Camera 2. There are only a few of us in the Imagelogger program that have them and so I took advantage of a nice place to take photos. Continue reading Kid Free Day

Kayaking with Andrew

Photo-A-Day #3379

Today we were being visited by my in-laws. Rather than wait around for them to arrive and have both kids underfoot as we attempt to get the house ready I decided to take Andrew out of the equation and take him kayaking with me. This would give us a little time together out of the house and give Allison one less kid to entertain/worry about. It also helped that she could go to the store with only one of the kids. Andrew tends to make the supermarket visit a bit challenging.

Andrew did pretty well in the kayak with me. Having the whole seat to himself was a plus. He didn’t fidget around, too much and I only had to have him pull his hands out of the water a couple of hundred times. At one point I splashed him a bit with the paddle to get his attention. He loved it and wanted to be splashed more. That backfired.