Tag Archives: kids being kids

Ice Queen and Blue Squire

Photo-A-Day #3635

Allison and I had marriage prep today and so the kids were with a sitter for the day. When we came home we came home to the image above. Eva used the makeup that she had gotten from a party to decorate her face. She told us that she was the ice queen. I’m not sure what ice queen has a giant blue Snidely Whiplash type mustache but apparently that is what Eva saw as the type of thing she was going to put on her face. Not to be outdone, her brother covered his face in blue as well.

At least Eva didn’t go out in public looking like that. Oh wait, she did. My mom took her to another play, 101 Dalmations at the Triboro Youth Theater. So, I guess if people that we know saw Eva with this makeup then it is okay to show the world the imagination of our kids.