Tag Archives: Kids

Demonstrating a New Technique

Photo-A-Day #2008

After work today Eva and I took a walk downtown. We took our cameras with us too. I spent the time taking photos of her as she went around taking photos of whatever caught her eye, and some things that did not. She has a very unique way of shooting. Sometimes she looks at what she is shooting, sometimes she runs around snapping all the way. This was a capture of her doing the latter. Continue reading Demonstrating a New Technique

The Discovery Adventure Club Video Review

Read To Me Dad, Reviews – The Discovery Adventure Club from BenSpark on Vimeo.

I read part of the book the Discovery Adventure Club by Deb Ingino to my daughter Eva and we review the book together.

My friend Deb Ingino sent me a copy of her book The Discovery Adventure Club for me to read to Eva and review. I’m very excited that friends are sending me their wonderful creations to read and review in this new concept that I’ve been doing here on Read To Me, Dad. Deb is the President of the company My Wired Style. 100% of the proceeds from the Discovery Adventure Club book go to Prodigal House. Prodigal House provides emergency and short-term residential housing for teenage boys ages 12-16. Here is the Vision Statement for Prodigal House.

The Prodigal House vision is best reflected through Psalm 23. God is the good shepherd who seeks out the lost sheep, saves them from danger, binds up their wounds and carries them to safety when necessary. Only God can restore a soul and direct people to the path of right living so His goodness and unfailing kindness can be with them all their life. Prodigal House staff and volunteers desire to provide a safe environment for residents and their parent(s) to reconnect with God and restore their relationships.

The Story

I read this book to Eva and she really enjoyed the story and the characters of Daniel, Isabella, Sasha and Caden. These kids are all friends and each one identifies with one of the DISC styles. Through the story we see each of the kids show their style as they interact with each other and compliment each other’s styles. The story is cute and well written.

Beyond the Story

Once you finish reading the book you can ask your child a series of questions so that you can both discover your child’s DISC style. the simplest one is where you ask your child which character they feel they are most like. As your child gets older there are assessments and even parent’s pages so that you can learn more about your child’s DISC style and how to Motivate them, what annoys them and what are “Sweet Spot” Statements.


The benefit of reading this book together are many. Connecting with your child is a wonderful thing and gaining further insight into their personality and how to help motivate and understand them more is invaluable.

Read to Me Dad Ratings

  • Story – Good – The four kids are interesting and fun. They compliment each other in their different personalities.
  • Re-Read-ability – Great – This book helps parents and kids grow and understand each other. It is recommended for kids from 2 -8 years old and so you can read it together and learn more about your child with every reading of the book.
  • Illustrations – Good – The illustrations by Joelle Felyce Geisler are nice. Each kid is colorful and interesting.
  • Message – Great – Each person has their own style and strengths but they can work together and complement each other.
  • Plot – Good – Four children go on an adventure each one uses their strengths to have a great time on the adventure.
  • Characters – Interesting – Each character is an example of the different DISC styles.
  • Does Eva Like It – Eva enjoyed the story and each time I’ve read it she tells me that she is a different character, she’s 2 1/2 so I think that as we continue to read it she will identify more with a specific character.
  • Recommended Ages – 2 – 8 years old.

Purchase your own The Discovery Adventure Club Book.