Tag Archives: Legacy

Casting Long Shadows

Casting Long Shadows
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00741

Today is Allison’s birthday and after an early dinner from Chub’s Blue Pig BBQ we went for a family walk around the park. On the way back I noticed that the shadows were super long stretching out ahead of us. I was walking next to Eva and we were joking around how our shadows were crossing the street well before we did. The image looked cool so I waited till Allison and Andy had turned the corner and then took a photo. I started thinking about the meaning of the term “Casts a Long Shadow” which is to have considerable influence over people or events. This can often have a negative meaning but I like to think that it can be positive, too.

When I personally think about the people who have had influence over me in my life and who despite being gone still do, there are more positives than negatives. So I hope that one day my influence over my own children and the events of their lives will be a good things and not thought of as negative in any way. Of course, I am not naïve or self-important (delusional) enough to think that all my influence will be seen as positive. I sure have made a load of mistakes in raising the kids but overall I hope the scales tip more towards positive in the long run.