Tag Archives: LEGO City

Working on Other Videos

LEGO Dimensions
Photo-A-Day #4412

Some nights you just don’t get to the things that you need to do for yourself, like make a decent daily video. Tonight I went to Brian’s to film, Built from Bricks. We got one show filmed, a City Update which has already been published and can be found at An Unexpected Update. That filming went pretty well. Brian did a silly thing at the beginning and I enhanced it a bit. Watch the video, you’ll see what I mean.

The part that didn’t go as well was my suggestion to record ourselves playing LEGO Dimensions with the new Goonies Level pack and a whole bunch of 80’s characters. I gave Brian my Elgato HD recorder so that we could do these types of shows. The problem is that the video recorded to my laptop but there it begins to lose seconds and the sound is completely whacked. Then, towards the end of the video it starts to get really choppy. So we had a camera on us talking while playing and then we had the Elgato recording our gameplay. I’ve run into this issue before and it usually happens with longer videos. We recorded nearly a half an hour of the gameplay but only 15 minutes of ourselves. I was unable to synch it right at all. If we do it again we need a faster computer to help us. But for now you can watch today’s video and also the Built from Bricks City Update 15.

Thursdays with Built From Bricks

Brian from Built From Bricks
Photo-A-Day #4363

Every Thursday I head over to my friend Brian’s house. For a while we were filming a show called SteamDads. It was a science based show that we enjoyed at first but really ran out of steam once we stopped coming up with experiments and ideas. It was fun to shoot but took a long time and didn’t really find much of an audience.

Brian asked me if I wanted to help him out and film an episode of his show, Built from Bricks. I agreed and it has been fun ever since. We’ve done all sorts of shows. The most popular show has been the City Updates. Brian has such a cool LEGO City being built in his garage. Each week he has something new happening and it is awesome. Tonight we shot a whole behind the scenes video that included a studio tour. The photo from today was what I shot for our Thumbnail for the episode. You can watch it below. If you haven’t already, please subscribe. We are closing in on 100 subscribers and when that happens we are going to do a big giveaway.

Brian even agreed to help me out with an episode of Big Damn Kid. I’m looking forward to going to Philly Brickfest Live with him in April. I think people are going to love the MOCS he made for his LEGO City.