Tag Archives: LEGO

Ahck, Freedom!

Photo-A-Day #2304

LEGO has this thing where they are selling minifigs in closed packages and they are something like $4.00 for one little minifig. A rip off in my opinion. A collector’s item made from contrived scarcity. Okay, barring that, I do like the personalities coming through in these minifigs, they have so many different kinds and they are cool to look at. I can see a minifig movie being made with this guy. Continue reading Ahck, Freedom!

Enjoying the Time

Photo-A-Day #2240

I sincerely value the time that I have at home during the week. Full days on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Partial Days (meaning that I am unconscious part of these days) on Friday and Monday. Yeah, things are upside down right now, we’re in the midst of buying a house, expecting another baby and the transition of a new job. It is crazy but I’m actually a lot happier than I have been in a while.

Continue reading Enjoying the Time