Tag Archives: Lightcore Bumble Blast

Lightcore Bumble Blast

Photo-A-Day #3315

There is one guy at my local Toys R Us who is both knowledgeable about Skylanders and helpful. These are super rare qualities in the Toys R Us employees that I have spoken with over the past 3 or so years about the game. Last week I went into the local Toys R Us to find Lightcore Bumble Blast. I wasn’t able to get him on the release date of the 5th of May so I tried again later. I found nothing. I asked an employee who told me that they didn’t get him in. I won’t ask that guy another thing again, he had no clue.

So I was in today and I was looking at the wall of Skylanders looking for Lightcore Bumble Blast when the guy who actually knows things asked me if I was looking for anything particular. I told him which one. He scanned the bar code located that they had a box of the figures and went and got them for me. That’s the guy I have to go back to each time I search for new figures. He actually knows something and gave a cap enough to help me.