Tag Archives: MARVEL’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron

Having a Smashing time with The Incredible Hulk when #AvengersUnite

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #AvengersUnite #CollectiveBias

Hero Image #AvengersUnite #CollectiveBias #Ad

The Incredible Hulk has had many different incarnations. He’s been played by many actors but when Mark Ruffalo took on the role then The Hulk became a part of something much bigger. Which is saying something since the Hulk is huge. Mark’s portrayal of The Hulk is excellent and even better is his Bruce Banner. I loved his performance in MARVEL’s The Avengers and also again in MARVEL’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron which is being released on October 2 on Blu-ray/DVD. I was lucky enough to go out to California to see MARVEL’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron well before many people and I got to interview many of the cast members. The one that eluded me was Mark Ruffalo and also Scarlett Johansson. We ran out of time and missed them. But their story in MARVEL’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron was excellent in my opinion.

Andrew enjoying being the Hulk #AvengersUnite #CollectiveBias #Ad

My son, Andrew is a big fan of big green. When I told him that we were going to Walmart to pick up some costumes of some Avengers he insisted upon a Hulk costume. We have these giant Hulk hands and many other items from other members of MARVEL’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron, but Hulk is Andrew’s main man. I can see that for a 3-year old. They are sweet and nice one minute, a ball of twisting terror the next. So it was fitting that even though we picked up am Iron Man and a Thor costume, that Andrew wanted only The Hulk. Continue reading Having a Smashing time with The Incredible Hulk when #AvengersUnite