Photo-A-Day #3786
There was a special deal at the Mendon Drive-In for a Bugs Bunny cartoon marathon. For only $10 a car it made sense for use to take the kids for their very first Drive-In movie. The kids had never been to a drive in or seen a Bugs Bunny cartoon before. We weren’t sure how they’d respond to the trip but there was no worry since they enjoyed it very much.
Andrew loved the music and went dancing around over and over. He was hilarious. Eva wasn’t as thrilled at first but she soon began to laugh and enjoy herself. We were going to pick up hot dogs from Larry Joe’s New England Firepit but that closed at 5pm and we weren’t going to get to the Drive-In that early. Continue reading The Kid’s First Drive-In Movie at Mendon →

Photo-A-Day #3359
Tonight, after the longest time ever, Allison and I finally got to experience a Jimmy Buffett concert. A few month’s back I saw that the Mendon Drive-In was doing a simulcast of one of Jimmy’s Concerts which was being held at a Drive-In down in Texas. The show was going out to 87 Drive-Ins all over the US. I bought tickets and we invited one of my friends from work and her husband. To say that Allison and she hit it off would be an understatement. Maybe it was the Landshark, maybe it was the Bug Juice, or maybe the exchange of honeymoon horror stories, but there was a friendship connection made. We were really lucky to have such nice people to go with us to the event. Continue reading Buffett Drive In Night →
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