Tag Archives: MMs

Secrets of Spring

Secrets of Spring
Photo-A-Day #1505

The irises around the house have started to make their springtime debut. Although it does not feel like spring around here but rather more like summer. I’m not ready to be instantly covered in sweat the moment I step out of the car. Although this weekend is supposed to be cooler. We shall see.

In the excitement of our vacation I forgot that I had ordered a new shirt from TenBills.com (Disclosure: Ten bills sent me free shirts in the past and even sponsored a contest with me and supplied me with prizes for Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs and since then I’ve spent my own money on their shirts because I love how they look and how they feel).

New TenBills.com T-Shirt

This particular shirt is a limited edition t-shirt that TenBills is selling to help raise funds for ShutterCal (a free photo-a-day site that arranges your daily photos on a calendar, it rocks.). By the way I think the shirt captures the essence of what I have been doing for over 4 years. I now have to go and make sure that my Shuttercal is up to date (which it is not, you have to go back to January)

Transformers M&Ms

Speaking of limited edition, M&M’s just released their Transformers Movie Tie-In candies. Yesterday Allison picked up the Peanut M&M’s which are Decepticon themed, the Plain M&Ms which are Autobot themed. There is also a special edition Snickers bar that has Yellow Nougat. The bar is supposed to be colored like BumbleBee. There are some collectible wrappers. I’m not going to be collecting them however. What am I gonna do with some candy wrappers?

Curses, it’s back in the box for us!

Curses, it's back in the box for us!
Photo-A-Day #1335

Over the past 7 years I have amassed a good deal of desk junk. No, not papers and notes and things like that. Nothing “work related” per se. No I have probably one of the most elaborate desk set ups in the entire office. If you can’t tell the theme, let me give you a hint “More Than Meets The Eye”.

I’m moving my desk to another building entirely. The other building has an entirely different feel, not so, how should I say this “laid back”. So on Friday I’m bringing in two plastic “bins” to pack up all of my toys. Then they will spend some time int he attic until such time as I either have my own office at home or at work or just someplace to put them back out. There is so much there, my Harley Pins (Which I may take with me), all my Transformers (into the bin with them), and many other things. Here are some more high res photos so you can really see what is going on on my desk.

The Whole thing The Left Edge The corner
The Corner Right of the Corner The Garage
And then there were the pez And some books