Tag Archives: more snow

Imagine Their Surprise

Photo-A-Day #3615

Monday brought with it yet another snowfall. This time it did not bring with it a full on Snow Day but rather a 2 hour delay. That is fine. We can live with that. I was all excited and looking forward to finally having a Monday of my own once again only to find out that the babysitter’s son was running a fever. Well, that means no rest for me. Full night of work, shoveling and then a full day with Andrew. I’m starting to lose it. I don’t know how many more Monday’s I can take where the schedule gets thrown out of whack.

We did make the most of the 2 hour delay and the kids played out in the snow. We all got into it when we played with some Mini Sno-Markers from Ideal Toys that I received to review. I’ll post a review soon. The kids made some designs, I tried a few things and Allison made some very pretty flowers. I think that she is thinking Spring. Wishful thinking to me because I it feels like this Winter is never going to end.

While we were playing in the snow Eva kept trying to hit we with Snowballs. Wasn’t happening. Then she and Andrew went to play in the play house and I snuck around and surprised them capturing the moment in today’s photo. It was a nice part to an otherwise tough day.