Photo-A-Day #3990
The giveaway for the Captain America Civil War Nesting Dolls went live today. These are fun character Nesting Dolls for the different teams of #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan from PPW Toys I wanted to do a stop motion video the other day but didn’t have time. Now that I had a little bit of time to work on it I made a quick stop motion video while also doing a full review on today’s vlog. I used the Stikbot Studio Pro to make the stop motion video. It was my first real shot at this. Stop Motion is something that I am just starting to play around with and learning the Stikbot App. That app has many more options and the whole green screen is something else I’m excited to use to make fun videos with more toys.
You can enter the giveaway in my giveaway post from this morning or you can enter via the post over on Andrew Kardon’s site Mommy’s Busy.