Tag Archives: New Computer

The Lights Are On

The Lights Are On
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00942

I bought a new computer to help me make videos. This has been the way it has been with every new computer for the past several years. I start making videos and at first everything goes great, then technology changes and the way I do things ends up getting slowed down and unworkable. I noticed that my Fortnite videos were starting to drop frames and so the image would totally freeze and sometimes I could not redo something to make it work right. I was getting extremely frustrated. At the time my laptop was completely suited for making videos. Then, it got slower and slower. I tried several things to speed it up but I needed more power. With this new computer I doubled the amount of processing power I had and even got 4GB of video RAM to make things even faster. I picked up the computer, a monitor and two 16 GB memory chips. The computer is a gaming computer and so it has all these fancy lights. The 16GB RAM chips are stylized and have lights on them as well. Many gaming PCs are see through and the lights make them look cool. If you tilt your head behind the computer you can see these light up ram chips. It is not that impressive behind these little dots, though.

The power of the device is, though. I got everything set up with my programs and then set the monitor up with the webcam. I’m all ready to make some videos and also to start streaming games. I’m very excited and will post a new photo of the setup soon.