Today Dad and I went to the house today to do some last minute touch ups before the Sandman came to town. I was able to get half of the nursery touched up and Dad did the master bedroom. Then the Sandman arrived with his crew and they got to work as Dad took up the rest of the rug while I cleaned up around the place.
So now we wait a bit and pack up at home to get ready to move. The floors should be finished by Monday and then the real move in can begin.
Today I got home and went to sleep till I woke up to jack hammering across the street. I couldn’t get back to sleep so I went on over to the new house and helped Dad paint the living room. Then Dad painted the hallway and I did a few of the closets. We got a lot done over the past few weeks and tomorrow the floor guy comes. We’ve got a few rooms left to complete with touch ups. We’re very close to having all the painting done.