Tag Archives: New Year’s Eve

Early Bird New Year’s Eve

Photo-A-Day #3188

Today was a lazy family day. A pajama day around the house. We were visited by my Aunt and my cousin’s son. the kids played really well together. When my Aunt and cousin’s son went home we decided to watch The Lion King, have some popcorn and snuggle time. When that was over it was near 5pm so we went to House of Fortune to celebrate an Early New Year’s Eve.

The Tao of New Year’s Eve

Photo-A-Day #2824

We had a nice evening with our friends over at Michele and Bob’s house. We went for friends, food and fun. Eva loved playing with the other kids. Allison enjoyed talking with the girls and I chatted with the guys while Allison and I both wrangled Andrew as he buzzed around the place. He also conked out on their bed and we surrounded him with everyone’s coats. He slept pretty good, too. He was completely zonked when we picked him up and put him into the car. Then he was screaming pretty good.