Tag Archives: Nick Fury

Our Special Agent

Photo-A-Day #2966

We took the kids out to dinner tonight at Friendly’s. I think that we were just missing people yelling at us and trying to snatch every morsel in sight and eat it. There was a fundraiser happening at Friendly’s so we went to help out with our meal. I have to say, it was probably the fastest service we’ve ever had at Friendly’s. Of course Eva, our sweet little love colored a picture for our waitress and then on her own wrote. “Thank you for being our waitress, Love, Eva XOXOXO.” She has such a sweet heart. I think that made that woman’s night. She told Eva that she would make her ice cream very special because it would be made with love. We are so lucky to have such a sweet and wonderful child. Continue reading Our Special Agent

New Year’s Resolutions I Can Keep

Photo-A-Day #2838

I’ve been slow about posting my New Year’s Resolutions. I really don’t have any but because I’m working with HTC on the review of the HTC One X + one of the things that I’ve been asked to do is document my New Year’s Resolutions. Well, since I didn’t do anything like resolve to lose weight or get out of debt I decided to do something that I knew I could do all year long. So, I resolved to Play more Skylanders, Enjoy my LEGO sets and laugh more. Continue reading New Year’s Resolutions I Can Keep