Photo-A-Day #4088
Activision sent me a set of the new Skylanders SuperChargers Happy Meal Toys to unbox and show you. I had already gotten Spitfire and Hot Streak back a few days ago. Andrew and I went to McDonald’s to play and also to tire him out and since it was the start of the Skylanders SuperChargers promotion I made sure to get myself a Happy Meal as well.
This time around there are six toys to collect. The characters are Spitfire, Shark Shooter Terrafin, Hurricane Jet-vac, Nightfall, Deep Dive Gill Grunt and Bone Bash Roller Brawl in their respective vehicles. These toys also come with stickers to attach to the toys. The stickers also have character stickers and each character comes with a Spitfire Skylanders Battle Casters Card that you can use to scan and see in 3D. They also have little McDonald’s medallions that can be used in the McDonald’s app.
Here is my unboxing or rather unbagging of the toys.