Tag Archives: Nikon

Dark and Dreary, but Bright Skies Ahead

Dark and Dreary
Photo-A-Day #1964

A couple of days ago I took Eva to the World War I Memorial Park to shoot some photos. Together we were able to have a great time and shoot many fun photos. Today and for the past few days it has been dark and dreary, rainy and uninspiring. I was completely uninspired today. I asked Twitter what I should take a photo of and Celina suggested something with a shadow, Paul suggested something with the light source in the photo. I took my tripod and sat in the front doorway. What I shot was the driveway of the church rectory across the street with the street lights as my light source. Continue reading Dark and Dreary, but Bright Skies Ahead

Episode #2 Of the Photo-A-Day Podcast

I still haven’t figured out how to set up my podcast to go onto iTunes and figure that instead of worrying too much about that I’d keep making the videos every few days because it is going to take me a while to catch up to current. If I did this once a week it would take me 5 years to get to the point that I am now currently shooting so I’m going to step it up a bit and produce whenever I can, a couple of times each week if I can.

Episode #2 Photo-A-Day Podcast from BenSpark on Vimeo.

For over Five Years I have been taking a photograph every single day. I’ve used Kodak, Canon, Nikon, DROID, Sanyo, and many others to take these photos. Because I have so many I decided to go back through the collection and start posting them with commentary. I am looking for photographers who might like to talk with me and record a show via Skype. Contact me if interested. I can be found at BenSpark.com. Here are some of the links to the photos mentioned.

Mister Meister Jazz


Wisteria Overgrowth

Me Grimlock, Me King

Rain Bucket

Freezer Overflow

200 Days till our Wedding

You Too Slow

Technical Oliver

Wasting Away

I’d appreciate any constructive Criticism on the show, sponsorship inquiries or any photographer who wants to talk for 10-15 minutes via Skype for another show. Just use my Contact page above to reach me.