Tag Archives: Nintendo

Transformers Movie News

The highly anticipated movie Transformers will be releasing a trailer sometime in mid-April-early May. This is huge news in the Transformers fan community because any news about huge fricken’ robots is big news. Also, Nintendo intends to create two transformers games for the Nintendo DS. One will be themed on the Autobots and the other on the Decepticons. And the games can interact with each other through the DS wireless connection.

Isn’t the DS an amazing piece of technology? I remember having a gameboy and being able to play against a friend with a wire between us. This was great for a long car ride. We used them during our trip to Florida in High School. However that isn’t so great when you want to be more than 3 feet from each other. The Nintendo DS is so much more advanced with the wireless abilities.

After reading the press release I think there may be a possibility for the DS and the Wii to interact with each other through the wireless connections in both devices. The release talks about a Pokemon game that does just that and I think that because there will be three Transformers games (1 for Wii and 2 for DS) they might interact with each other as well. I will keep my eyes open for more news on this.

Wii is life enhancing….

The Wii is making the lives of retirement home residents more exciting. I recently read a story about a retirement home in Illinois that is making use of the interactive portions of the Wii to enhance their lives at the retirement home. Specifically they are using the Wii sports game bowling to set up virtual leagues. This is a wonderful story because here is proof that the Wii is an all inclusive product. Families are playing together, friends are playing in virtual leagues and what’s more people are becoming more active in their entertainment.

I read another story about a guy who did a 6 week Wii sports experiment. He would do his normal routine and add 30 minutes of Wii time each day. He stuck to his plan and ended up losing nine pounds from the activity. That is a pretty decent weight loss. I think that I will work on this as well; I mean any little bit helps. I’m going to find out more about his workout and then replicate it as well.

I think that a virtual Wii bowling league would also be a fun thing to start too. I already know of 5 people who are Wii players including my friend Derek who bowled a 299. I wish I saw the fallout from missed pin. I know it must have been terrible.