Tag Archives: NX1

My NX1 has Arrived!

Photo-A-Day #3518

Today a whole new Samsung NX camera arrived. The latest Samsung camera is the NX1. It is the newest, most advanced Samsung mirrorless camera on the market. All of the Imageloggers are going to be receiving this camera and shooting with it for the next six months or more. Some of the other imageloggers received this camera on Friday and I was so nervous that the camera would not arrive before we headed away for our trip to New Hampshire. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy shooting with this amazing new camera. Photos with this new camera are coming soon.

Somebody Should Photograph That

Photo-A-Day #3510

It is sort of a running joke in my office that when something needs to be captured digitally then I will do it. I generally have my backpack with me that has all of my Samsung Imagelogger cameras and so I always have a camera on hand with which to capture the moment. So this morning when the sun came up and looked amazing one of my co-workers remarked, “Someone with 3 cameras should take a picture of that.” I wish I had my head about me at 6:30am after 36 hours of work for the weekend to have said, “Well, it won’t be me, I have five.”

Yes, I am up to five cameras from Samsung as part of the Imagelogger program and soon (I’m hoping sooner than soon) I’ll have the brand new NX1 in my hands. That is a professional grade camera that can shoot 4K video. I’m excited to see what I can do with it.

I spent the day with Eva today. It was her first ever sick day from school. She had a pretty bad sore throat and was stuffed up and generally in lousy spirits. We played and I tried to get her to rest as much as possible. She helped me with a couple of upcoming toy reviews so that helped brighten her spirit. She even took some of the photos for one of the reviews. I was really impressed with her camera work. I wasn’t even with her when she did it. She composed the shots all herself.