Tag Archives: Parenting

I am an Isis Parenting Fellow for 2012

Isis Parenting Fellow

I started as an Isis Parenting Fellow today. I went to the Needham store to have a meeting with other Isis Parenting Fellows and to discuss the strategic plan for what we are going to do for the coming year. I’m pretty excited for this new adventure and look forward to introducing you more to the Isis Parenting brand which is pretty amazing. Isis Parenting is not just a Baby Store it is so much more than that. There is a whole education and classroom component to the company. There are Prenatal classes, New Moms, 2nd Time Moms, Breastfeeding, Fitness & Massage and even Sleep Consults.

Isis Parenting Needham Store

I stuck around after the meeting and I learned more about the store and the company and toured the place. I’m really looking forward to working more with Isis Parenting in the coming year.

How Do You Teach Your Child to Ride a Bike?

Photo-A-Day #2364

Our friend Michele’s neighbor was getting rid of a child’s Barbie bike complete with training wheels. Well, the other day Allison got the bike from Michele and today Eva and I washed up the bike. I filled up the tires with air and it was time to get Eva’s helmet on and have her jump on the bike. She was very excited about riding a bike. I even got out Allison’s bike so we could ride together. Thing is we were only riding in the back patio so after 2 pedals I was already across the patio. Eva sort of got the idea but not really. Continue reading How Do You Teach Your Child to Ride a Bike?