Tag Archives: Peaceable Kingdom

My First Test of the Samsung Gear 360

Samsung Gear 360 Camera
Photo-A-Day #4292

I decided to take the Gear 360 out for a run today. Test run, that is. I decided to make today’s vlog with the camera and see what I could do with it. So far I only know how to do a single shot but eventually I hope to be able to be able to put multiple shots together. I have some software for editing the videos so it might be able to allow me to put them together and when they upload to YouTube they still work like 360 videos.

So, this is today’s first attempt and I think it came out pretty good overall.

So far I think that Samsung made this camera thing so smooth and slick because they figured that people would easily drop it and I feel like that is going to happen to me. The little tripod is also very smooth. There is a hand strap that you can attach to the tripod so I think I’ll be using that to keep from dropping this easily drop-able camera ball.

Review: The Great Cheese Chase from Peaceable Kingdom

Playing the Great Cheese Chase

Playing games with kids can be a double edged sword. You really want kids to learn healthy competition but when a game ends with a parent or older sibling victory a game of fun might turn into needing to console hurt feelings. When you play the cooperative games from Peaceable Kingdom either everyone wins or everyone loses. We’ve played a few of them and today we played one of the newest games, The Great Cheese Chase. It was an enjoyable experience for Allison, Eva and me. Continue reading Review: The Great Cheese Chase from Peaceable Kingdom