Tag Archives: Pidge

The Kids React to Voltron Season 2 Finale

The Kids React to VOLTRON Season 2
Photo-A-Day #4313

The kids and I watched the last two episodes of Voltron Season 2 tonight. The certainly packed a ton of action into the whole season. We watched as the action got more and more intense from the beginning of episode 12 to the very end of episode 13. I was sort of nervous about the finale because I had heard the possibility of there being a major death in the episode. I can’t say whether or not a death happened but it was intense.

I was also worried because we watched all of Trollhunters together and something really tragic happened at the end of the season. It hit Eva really hard. I was hoping that this wouldn’t be on that same level. They are two separate shows. They have two different vibes. We love the Paladins and we love the Trollhunters. Both finales gave me the chills with the stakes being so high. There were characters that I feared for and some that I cheered for. There were tears and gasps of amazement. I loved the action of Voltron. They really pulled out all the stops on those last episodes. The action was incredible. The kids loved it and the cliffhanger of an ending makes us eager for Season 3.

As the Kids Mature, So Does Their Entertainment – #StreamTeam

Loving Voltron
Photo-A-Day #4305

Being a part of the Netflix #StreamTeam has been awesome. Netflix has become a huge part of our family’s entertainment. Allison and I have found a number of Netflix originals that we enjoy together including Travelers. This show is about a group of time travellers who have returned to the past to prevent a major disaster. What they find is cause and effect aren’t so cut and dry and may things don’t go the way that they expected. For the kids we have been watching Trollhunters, Voltron and Project Mc2. The kids gave Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events a try but didn’t care for it. I watched the first episode so far and it was pretty entertaining. The subject matter is a bit bleak but it puts things into a more humorous perspective. I don’t think that my kids are quite there yet for the subtle humor around such a dark premise.

However, some kids are getting to that point where their shows are dealing with more adult subject matter. Kids are starting to gravitate towards more grown up stories. With a show like A Series of Unfortunate Events the kids can still be kids and deal with difficulties instead of seeing something that they just aren’t old enough to be exposed to. We’re still enjoying mostly cartoons but moving towards those that have larger more grown up stories.

We recently finished Trollhunters which dealt with responsibility, death, betrayal and friendship. It is truly a family show but can still tell a grown up story set in this fantasy world. It was wonderfully done and we ate up the first season with gusto. When we got to the final episode my daughter experienced the loss felt from loving a character only to see it perish. There were real tears at that moment, and not just hers and Andrew’s. I got choked up, too. In real life, people die, no matter how much we love them.

we’re now watching the second season of Voltron and the paladins are growing and changing while the threats from Zarkon are becoming more real and terrible. We don’t know what the rest of the season will bring but I have a feeling that nothing will be the same once we get to episode 13.

With Eva we are had a very special experience together. We shared a love for the show Girl Meets World which ran for 3 seasons, two of which are on Netflix. We watched the series finale today and were both in tears. There were so many different episodes with important themes in this show. While it was almost always kept to a light tone there were more grown up topics that came up in the series. It gave us an opportunity to talk about things that will come up in life. It gave us something to bond over and a mutual starting point for conversations. Good TV can do that.

Continue reading As the Kids Mature, So Does Their Entertainment – #StreamTeam