Tag Archives: Podcast

At the Air Zoo

At the Air Zoo
Photo-A-Day #1790

I’m in Kalamazoo, MI today and as such it is what we call a Travel Day in my business. I could have been on planes all day today but choose to travel yesterday and ended up with a free day. I slept late and then took care of a bunch of work that I’ve been meaning to take care of. I caught up with a few clients projects, I wrote a few posts for BloggingTips.com and RoyalTutorial.com. I even participated in a Geek Dads Weekly podcast with Daniel M Clark and Joe Magennis. That podcast will be up later tonight or tomorrow. I’m very excited about it. And in between that I was able to go to the Kalamazoo Air Zoo.

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Door Closes, Window Opens

Photo-A-Day #1782

Eva and I did a little reading tonight. We read through a book of kids songs. This is a Disney Sing along book that come with its own music player with over 16 songs. I sang all sixteen to Eva and then she wanted me to do it again.

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