Tag Archives: Podcast

Enjoying Some Cuban Food

Enjoying some Cuban Food
Photo-A-Day #1574

Tonight Allison, Eva and I went to dinner at Havana Cafe. We had a few places to go tonight and we were running late so it was a dining out night. Hate to do it too often but it happens. If you are in North Attleboro, you need to stop by Havana Cafe. It is one of those little hole in the wall places that has 5 tables and the most amazing food. The folks there always remember us too. Our server has a little girl who is 2 years old and watching Eva interact with her was so cute. They stood nose to nose and then did that little kid squat to the floor but not actually touching it. It was adorable.

Today started really crappy. I overslept and was headed to work on my usual telecommuting day. I hate losing that one day a week at home. I was planning to go to the gym as well but spending too much time last night finishing a few things. One of those things was downloading the Gary Vaynerchuk Podcasts. I hadn’t realized that Gary does other podcasts beside Wine Library TV. Don;t get me wrong I love watching Gary’s passion for wine but I’m not a big wine drinker. I think the other podcasts might be a little more for me, we shall see, tomorrow morning.

Today I had to go to two meetings. Before the first one I drank an EBOOST. No possible hint of sleepiness during the whole demo. The hardest thing about my job is staying awake. On the days when I have meetings like these, watching demos I’ve seen many times in the past, it is great having a little perk up to stay frosty.

EBOOST is a sponsor of The Ultimate IZEAFest Prize Pack. Also EBOOST is providing me with a Discount Code for 30% of online purchases of EBOOST. That is SPARK30 to be used on the EBOOST Online store for the next 30 days.

Do You Know Your Potential?

Do You Know Your Potential?
Photo-A-Day #1566

In the yard there are some raspberry vines. They are pretty much taking over where I park my car. I see this bunch with the one red berry and I thought of potential.

Everyone has heard the question “Are you living up to your potential?” Well are you? I’ve been listening to some amazing people who continue to push their potential to the limits. One person is Ted Murphy. He is an inspiration. Not only is he the CEO of IZEA but he is also a marathoner. That means multiple marathons and his 1st one was this year! Ted continues to push the limits. He’s pretty amazing and inspires others to be amazing also.

The next person that I have been listening to a lot lately is Gary Vaynerchuk. Each morning I watch an episode or two of Wine Library TV on my iPod Touch. It is not that listening to wine (which I have no clue about) is all that inspiring but it is the way that Gary brings his A game to every single episode. And I just discovered Gary’s personal blog and additional videos. So much to watch and learn from. I went and pre-ordered Gary’s upcoming book Crush It because I too want to turn my passions into a career. That would be making this blog attain its full potential.

Another person is someone I’ve written about in the past. This guy has a message that I think you should be listening to. He needs to do more videos though because his voice and passion translate only so far in the written word (but I might be biased because I’ve seen him speak many times and he moves me.). I’m talking about Ed Gerety. Ed has written a couple of books, Combinations is one that I reviewed chapter by chapter and it was incredible. The chapters break out into core values or combinations it has Gratitude, Attitude, Respect, Kindness and Believe. Ed has a great blog (blog more Ed) called Ed Gerety’s Dream Big Blog, he is a man who is working on his potential every day and helping others live up to theirs. I want to be watching Ed Gerety’s Dream Big Podcast someday. Ed, please make it happen

For me, I’m working on my potential every day, working out now (gotta show up at IZEAFest and have Ted not recognize me.), working on my blog, readers and my photography. I had another interview today with a different reporter from the New York Times. It is for an article about bloggers who make a living blogging. I don’t but I have the potential to do so and if I want to do it I have to take action towards that goal. Stick around because the journey will be posted!

Bonus Photo

Extra Potential

Talk to me people.

Who inspires you?

What potential are you cultivating? Why?

What potential are you wasting? Why?