Contest has now Ended – Winners to be announced on Market Leverage TV Network WrapUp Channel on August 17 at approx 10:30am EST. You can go and view the Finalist Videos though. – Updated 08.12.09

I like to do things in a big and bold way. Ted Murphy does as well and IZEAFest 2009 is the biggest and boldest yet. Imagine 3 days and 300 bloggers invading SeaWorld (and as I recently learned Busch Gardens Tampa!) to learn how to be better bloggers, win prizes, party and even hang with RealShamu! That is what you can do if you attend IZEAFest 2009.
I mentioned Busch Gardens, check out this latest announcement for details.
Yes, you get to go to not 1 but 2 Awesome Theme Parks all for the price of 1 IZEAFest ticket! Busch Gardens Howl-O-Scream, Here We Come!
What’s that you say? You don’t have an IZEAFest 2009 ticket? Never Fear! along with IZEA, MarketLeverage, XShot Pix, ZINK Imaging, Martha Decker, EBOOST, brite-View, The Dirty Shirt, Flipbac and PokenGirl are Here to Help!
I’ve teamed up with these great sponsors to give some lucky winners amazing prizes. One lucky winner is going to hang with me at IZEAFest 2009 and go on a very special outing and that lucky person will also receive the Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Grand Prize Pack! But never fear I have prizes for two runner ups as well.
How to Enter for the Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack?
In order to qualify for the Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack you must do all of the following:
- Create a 60 second video (no less thank 45 seconds and no more than 90 seconds) of yourself answering these questions:
- “Why do I Want to Hang with BenSpark at IZEAFest 2009?”
- “How will IZEAFest 2009 Change My Life?”
- “What Am I Most Looking Forward to at IZEAFEst 2009?”
- Videos should be tagged with izeafest, and marketleverage
- Post videos to Youtube, or Vimeo or Viddler or all of them. Important – LEAVE a comment here with links to the videos.
- Write a Blog Post elaborating on the questions and embed your video. Take a look at my 10 Great Reasons to Go to IZEAFest 2009! & 10 Items to Bring With You to IZEAFest 2009 posts. Read them and add an 11th reason for both in your post.
- Posts should be tagged with izeafest, and marketleverage.
- Your post should link back to the contest post and encourage others to enter. It’d also be nice also to link to the contest sponsors for their great contributions.
- Leave comments with links to your video(s) (if posted on multiple sites) and your blog post.
*Videos and blog posts will be judged by a Panel of Bloggers : Murray Newlands, Eric Schechter, Tim Jones and Kim Ann Curtin the winning blogger will be selected on Tuesday August 11th and announced the following Monday August 17th on MarketLeverage TV. The winner’s video will air on the show as well!
How to Enter the for the Runner Up Prize Packs.
So, if you are just looking for IZEAFest 2009 tickets and maybe a few extras then here are ways to enter. These options below do not qualify you for the ultimate prize pack. These qualify you only for the Runner Up Prize Packs.
- 2 entries – Write a Blog post after you take a look at my 10 Great Reasons to Go to IZEAFest 2009! & 10 Items to Bring With You to IZEAFest 2009 posts. Read them and add an 11th reason for both in you post. Posts should be tagged with izeafest,, marketleverage.
(Leave a comment with a link to your post.) - 1 entry each – Follow @BenSpark, @MarketLeverage, @MlDina, @Xshot, @IZEAFest, @MarDeck, @eboost, @briteview, @jentifa, flipbac, PokenGirl and @MurrayNewlands, ericschechter, Timothy_Jones, and Kim Ann Curtin* (*Added 08/11/09) on twitter.
(Leave a comment for each one you follow) - 1 entry each – Tweet about the contest – include the hashtag #UltimateIZEAFest.
(You can send up to 6, 7, 9, 10, 13 14 tweets. 1 separate one with each of the people above. I.E. Tweet: @MarDeck I’m gonna win that case of BluFrog in the #UltimateIZEAFest Contest – more than one a day, please.)
(Leave a comment with the direct url to each tweet.) - 1 entry – Stumble this post
(Leave a comment with your stumble name) - 1 entry – Subscribe to either by RSS or e-mail
(Leave a comment and let me know you subscribed.)
What is so Ultimate about this Prize Pack anyway?
The Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack includes: An IZEAFest 2009 pass for the entire event including the Kickoff Party at Busch Gardens Tampa on Thursday October 1, 2009 & Blogger Takeover day at SeaWorld on Sunday October 4, 2009. This pass also gets you into all the parties, the swag and the speaker sessions. Did I forget to mention IZEAHunt you get to participate in that too. This pass alone is one highly sought after prize!
But that is not all: The Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack ALSO includes:
- An XShot from
- A Flipbac – an angle viewfinder and LCD screen protector for digital cameras. From Flipbac Innovations.
- A Polaroid Pogo and ZINK Paper from ZINK Imaging
- A Swag bag from MarketLeverage
- A Swag pack from Me
- Added 08/03/09 – A Poken of your choice from PokenGirl
- A Flip Mino HD from MarketLeverage TV
- A Case of BluFrog Wildly Healthy Energy Drink from Martha Decker.
- 1 Tube of Orange and 5 Pink Lemonade Daily Heath Booster Packets from EBOOST.
- A CinemaCube – from brite-View via The Dirty Shirt
- An Asus Eee PC 1000HA from MarketLeverage
- And there might be more prizes added as we get closer to the contest end date!
What about the Runner Up Prize Packs?
There will be two Runner Up Prize Packs.
- The Runner Up IZEAFest 2009 Prize Packs includes: An IZEAFest 2009 pass for the entire event including the Kickoff Party at Busch Gardens Tampa on Thursday October 1, 2009 & Blogger Takeover day at SeaWorld on Sunday October 4, 2009. This pass also gets you into all the parties, the swag and the speaker sessions. Did I forget to mention IZEAHunt you get to participate in that too. This pass alone is one highly sought after prize!
- An XShot from
- A Flipbac – an angle viewfinder and LCD screen protector for digital cameras. From Flipbac Innovations.
- Added 08/03/09 – A Poken of your choice from PokenGirl
- Some Swag
- 1 Tube of Orange EBOOST and 5 Pink Lemonade Daily Heath Booster Packets
Official Rules
- Ultimate Prize Pack and Runner Up winners will receive their prizes at IZEAFest 2009 (except the registration code for IZEAFest 2009 which obviously will be provided ahead of time). The winners must attend IZEAFest 2009 to receive the prizes. No prizes will be mailed to winners. If you win and do not go you forfeit your prizes.
- Winners must agree to be photographed with their winnings for a follow up post about the contest after IZEAFest 2009.
- All links need to use the rel=”no-follow” tags. We wouldn’t want to piss of Google.
- Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack winner will win based on their video and blog post and will be determined by a panel of judges, who will be announced in a followup blog post. The Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack winner will be announced on They will also be notified via e-mail. Winner will have 48 hours to contact me before another winner is chosen.
- Runner up winners will be randomly selected using from all valid entries and announced on They will also be notified via e-mail. Winner will have 48 hours to contact me before another winner is chosen.
- You may enter for the Ultimate Grand Prize Pack and the Runner Up Prize Pack but you may only win one. I.E. if you win the Ultimate Prize you cannot be selected for the Runner Up Prize.
- The Contest is open from July 17, 2009 12:00pm EST to August 11, 2009 12:00pm EST.
- I reserve the right to final say in any dispute. By participating you agree to these terms.
I want to thank all of my sponsors for donations of such great prizes. Special Thanks goes to Ted Murphy & Ashley Edwards of IZEA for the IZEAFest tickets and believing in me enough to be an IZEA Insider. Additional thanks goes to Dina Ricobonno, Michael Daoud, ZINK Imaging, Martha Decker, EBOOST, Jennifer Leet, brite-View, Kristin from Flipbac, PokenGirl, Murray Newlands, Eric Schechter, Tim Jones and Kim Ann Curtin.
I am still looking for a couple more things for the Ultimate Prize Pack – see specifically #’s 8, 6, 5 & 3. If you are a company attending IZEAFest 2009 or another blogger who is interested in donating a $150 – $200 prize, your products or something else to the contest please use my contact form and talk to me.
i follow @benspark
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: What your kids learn from others the good and the not so good =-.
i follow @marketleverage
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: What your kids learn from others the good and the not so good =-.
i follow @MlDina
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: What your kids learn from others the good and the not so good =-.
i follow @Xshotpix even though its @xshot
i follow @IZEAFest
i follow @MarDeck
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: What your kids learn from others the good and the not so good =-.
i stumbled username: thebuckdaddy
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: What your kids learn from others the good and the not so good =-.
i subscribe to benspark via google reader
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: What your kids learn from others the good and the not so good =-.
This is a fabulous way for fledgling social media-ites to learn from the best. Being able to attend one of the premiere conventions for social media in the country at no cost by doing what we want to learn about. You have to love it. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
*stumbles off to follow some new people on twitter*
Take care!
Wooo! What an exciting contest, and I love Busch Gardens so I’m looking forward to that. Can I hide during the Howl-o-scream night, though? I heard it’s terrifying!
Tweeted about it
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: What your kids learn from others the good and the not so good =-.
What a great contest! Wish I didn’t already have my ticket now!
.-= Look at what Kelly wrote blog ..Old Movies =-.
Two more entries for the runner up prize… Now on to the viedo, and be back tomorrow with the tweet of one of the other 6.
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Reason number 11 to go to IzeaFest #UltimateIZEAFest =-.
Followed @BenSpark, @MarketLeverage, @MlDina, @Xshot, @IZEAFest and @MarDeck on twitter
You have been Stumbled. Good luck
Just trudging ….. I hope I don’t stumble!!!! – tee hee
.-= Look at what Daddy Papersurfer wrote blog ..HISTORY LESSON – 5 =-.
Awesome contest Drew!
Love your picture with Ted peeking out behind you – you both RAWK!!! Fabulous sponsors with GREAT prizes too
.-= Look at what Heather in Beautiful BC wrote blog ..10 Ways to Support Charity Through Social Media =-.
I tweeted it about it today with a different sponsor couple more to go
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Reason number 11 to go to IzeaFest #UltimateIZEAFest =-.
This is going to be a great contest Drew!
What fantastic prizes. BTW – I thought my picture with Ted Murphy was a hoot, but yours – well – that’s another story!
.-= Look at what Martha Decker wrote blog ..10 Ways to Support Charity Through Social Media =-.
Used Market Leverage for the tweet today.
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Bruins Wake, Chris Casey, Author from Memphis, Review of =-.
WOW Drew! This is awesome : )
.-= Look at what Ted Murphy wrote blog ..I’m Looking For a Few Good Runners =-.
Just trying to raise my game bring things to another level. I want to be worthy of all the notice I’m getting lately. Glad you are impressed.
iFollow @BenSpark on twitter (@mamajoss)
.-= Look at what m a m a j o s s wrote blog ..My weekend in numbers =-.
iFollow @MarketLeverage on twitter (@mamajoss)
.-= Look at what m a m a j o s s wrote blog ..My weekend in numbers =-.
iFollow @MlDina on twitter (@mamajoss)
.-= Look at what m a m a j o s s wrote blog ..My weekend in numbers =-.
iFollow @Xshot on twitter (@mamajoss)
.-= Look at what m a m a j o s s wrote blog ..My weekend in numbers =-.
iFollow @IZEAFest on twitter (@mamajoss)
.-= Look at what m a m a j o s s wrote blog ..My weekend in numbers =-.
iFollow @MarDeck on twitter (@mamajoss)
.-= Look at what m a m a j o s s wrote blog ..My weekend in numbers =-.
iSubscribe to via RSS & e-mail (
.-= Look at what m a m a j o s s wrote blog ..My weekend in numbers =-.
Tweeted again with different sponsor
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Can’t Decide Between Blogger and WordPress =-.
I am following @BenSpark (@MommyMusings)
I am following @MarketLeverage (@MommyMusings)
I am following @MlDina (@MommyMusings)
I am following @Xshot (@MommyMusings)
I am following @IZEAFest (@MommyMusings)
I am following @MarDeck (@MommyMusings)
I am following @BenSpark (@MommyMusings)
.-= Look at what Stefanie wrote blog ..Little Debbie 100 Calorie Snack Cakes Winners! =-.
Subscribed by RSS (google)
I tweeted again this time using @izeafest
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Roku Digital Video Player (Netflix Player) review =-.
Tweet entry
Helpful surreal hint “Beware badgers bearing gifts”
alright im in. following @BenSpark
.-= Look at what Clean Cut Media wrote blog ..Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince Movie Review =-.
following @marketleverage
.-= Look at what Clean Cut Media wrote blog ..Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince Movie Review =-.
following @MLDina
.-= Look at what Clean Cut Media wrote blog ..Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince Movie Review =-.
following @xshot
.-= Look at what Clean Cut Media wrote blog ..Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince Movie Review =-.
following @izeafest
.-= Look at what Clean Cut Media wrote blog ..15 Beautiful HDR Photography Art =-.
following @mardeck
.-= Look at what Clean Cut Media wrote blog ..Power of Images in Media & Iran’s Twitter Revolution =-.
And that concludes all my bonus entries, tweeted about each sponsor, follow them, stumbled, wrote a blog post, and subscribe via RSS, all elft to do is enter the big one!
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Looking for sponsorship to go =-.
I follow @Benspark
.-= Look at what JoeyfromSC wrote blog ..Win $25 Gift Card from Eden’s Fantasys on LeslielovesVeggies Blog! =-.
I follow @MarketLeverage
.-= Look at what JoeyfromSC wrote blog ..Win $25 Gift Card from Eden’s Fantasys on LeslielovesVeggies Blog! =-.
I follow @izeafest
Hey there Drew. I’ve following each of the above Twitter accounts and have subscribed to you feed via Email! Hope I win something!!! lol Later.
.-= Look at what Metallman wrote blog ..The Perfect Man and Woman: A Poem =-.
following @eboost
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: Becoming your parents =-.
tweeted @eboost
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: Becoming your parents =-.
follow @brite view
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: Becoming your parents =-.
follow Jennifer @jentifa (thedirtyshirt)
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: Becoming your parents =-.
I follow benspark (spalka)
I follow marketleverage (spalka)
I follow MLdina (spalka)
I follow xshot (spalka)
Twittered with another sponsor @briteview
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: Becoming your parents =-.
@webfloss follows @BenSpark
.-= Look at what Amy Lynn wrote blog ..Crappy Kids Food =-.
@webfloss follows @MarketLeverage
.-= Look at what Amy Lynn wrote blog ..Crappy Kids Food =-.
@webfloss follows @MlDina
@webfloss follows @Xshot
.-= Look at what Amy Lynn wrote blog ..Crappy Kids Food =-.
@webfloss follows @IZEAFest
.-= Look at what Amy Lynn wrote blog ..Crappy Kids Food =-.
@webfloss follows @MarDeck
.-= Look at what Amy Lynn wrote blog ..Crappy Kids Food =-.
@webfloss follows @eboost
.-= Look at what Amy Lynn wrote blog ..Crappy Kids Food =-.
@webfloss follows @briteview
.-= Look at what Amy Lynn wrote blog ..Crappy Kids Food =-.
@webfloss follows @jentifa
.-= Look at what Amy Lynn wrote blog ..Crappy Kids Food =-.
Subscribed to ( ncentity at )
.-= Look at what Amy Lynn wrote blog ..Crappy Kids Food =-.
Stumbled = “webfloss” |
.-= Look at what Amy Lynn wrote blog ..Crappy Kids Food =-.
Twitter :
Tweeted the last of sponsors until you add another one
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..My Wants List: IzeaFest Tickets, Electronics, Video games, Comic Books =-.
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Following BenSpark
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Following MarketLeverage
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Following MLDina
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Following XShot
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Following IZEAFest
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Following MarDeck
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Following EBOOST
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Following Briteview
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Following Jentifa
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
I am a subscriber.
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
@MommaDJane is now following @BenSpark
@MommaDJane is now following @marketleverage
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Happy 12th B-Day T =-.
@MommaDJane is now following @mldina
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Happy 12th B-Day T =-.
@MommaDJane is now following @Xshot
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Happy 12th B-Day T =-.
@MommaDJane is now following @izeafest
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Happy 12th B-Day T =-.
@MommaDJane is now following @mardeck
@MommaDJane is now following @eboost
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Happy 12th B-Day T =-.
@MommaDJane is now following @briteview
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Happy 12th B-Day T =-.
@MommaDJane is now following @jentifa
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Happy 12th B-Day T =-.
MommaDJane stumbled this post.
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Happy 12th B-Day T =-.
Tweeted contest
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Happy 12th B-Day T =-.
Subscribed via email to reader. Can’t wait to get all blog posts via email!
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Happy 12th B-Day T =-.
following by way of rss
Not sure if I am supposed to put a separate entry for each entry for writing a blog post but just in case here it is, if not delete away.
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Potty Tots Potty Training Program Review =-.
I follow @benspark on twitter.
madamerkf at aol dot com
Am following @marketleverage on Twitter.
madamerkf at aol dot com
am following mldina on twitter.
madamerkf at aol dot com
I follow @flipbac on twitter
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..It’s Your Wedding Day- Do It Your Way =-.
Tweeted about the giveaway using @flipbac
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..It’s Your Wedding Day- Do It Your Way =-.
Main entry, with video.
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..It’s Your Wedding Day- Do It Your Way =-.
uploaded video to youtube
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..It’s Your Wedding Day- Do It Your Way =-.
uploaded to viddler
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..It’s Your Wedding Day- Do It Your Way =-.
uploaded to vimeo, I hope I win
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..It’s Your Wedding Day- Do It Your Way =-.
I’m following @BenSpark on Twitter
lkwhtmomfound, thats me
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Baby Shower Gift #8 Kenneth Brown Nursery Bedding =-.
I’mfollowing @marketleverage on twitter
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Baby Shower Gift #8 Kenneth Brown Nursery Bedding =-.
I’m following @mldina on twitter
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Baby Shower Gift #8 Kenneth Brown Nursery Bedding =-.
following @XShot on twitter
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Baby Shower Gift #8 Kenneth Brown Nursery Bedding =-.
already follow @IZEAFest on twitter
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Baby Shower Gift #8 Kenneth Brown Nursery Bedding =-.
following @MarDeck on twitter
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Baby Shower Gift #8 Kenneth Brown Nursery Bedding =-.
folowing @eboost on twitter
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Baby Shower Gift #8 Kenneth Brown Nursery Bedding =-.
following @briteview on twitter
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Baby Shower Gift #8 Kenneth Brown Nursery Bedding =-.
i follow jentifa on twitter
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Baby Shower Gift #8 Kenneth Brown Nursery Bedding =-.
i follow flipbac on twitter
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Baby Shower Gift #8 Kenneth Brown Nursery Bedding =-.
pbandsdad follows BenSpark on Twitter
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..IZEAFest 2009 here we come thanks to =-.
pbandsdad follows MarketLeverage on Twitter
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..IZEAFest 2009 here we come thanks to =-.
pbandsdad follows MlDina on Twitter
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..IZEAFest 2009 here we come thanks to =-.
pbandsdad follows Xshot on Twitter
pbandsdad follows IZEAFest on Twitter
pbandsdad follows MarDeck on Twitter
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..IZEAFest 2009 here we come thanks to =-.
pbandsdad follows eboost on Twitter
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..IZEAFest 2009 here we come thanks to =-.
pbandsdad follows briteview on Twitter
pbandsdad follows jentifa on Twitter
pbandsdad follows flipbac on Twitter
I Subscribe to via e-mail
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..IZEAFest 2009 here we come thanks to =-.
Daily Tweet and here is the link
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..IZEAFest 2009 here we come thanks to =-.
here is my post,so excited you already read it and liked it, You are fast LOL
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..IZEAFest 2009 here we come thanks to =-.
I stumbled! lookwhatmomfound
I tweeted 8/6/07
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Kickboard USA G-Bike Winners chosen =-.
signed up via rss feed
mmbabiak at yahoo dot com
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Kickboard USA G-Bike Winners chosen =-.
Here is my tweet for 8/7/09:
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..Sears is getting you Campus Ready =-.
follow @pokengirl
twitter name @buckdaddy
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: Fancy Nancy and Instant Runwayancy =-.
tweeted using @poekngirl
.-= Look at what Buck Daddy wrote blog ..Fatherhood Friday: Fancy Nancy and Instant Runwayancy =-.
pbandsdad follows pokengirl on Twitter
My video entry for the Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack!
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
My vid on vimeo
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
I’m following @marketleverage
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
I am also following @mldina
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
I’m getting my @Xshot follow on!
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
I was already following these crazy fools @izeafest
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
I’m following @mardeck now we twittering BFFs
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
Following @eboost
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
I would follow @briteview into the deepest, darkest depths of twitter
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
@jentifa Following
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
I’m following @flipbac
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
I’m following @pokengirl.
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
I subscribe to by e-mail.
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
Here is my tweet for 8/8:
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..Baby Shower Gift #10 Kushies Nursing Pillow and Canopy =-.
8/8 tweet @MarDeck
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Win A Free Ticket To IZEAFest =-.
forgot to add my 2nd comment for my blog post, here it is!!
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Win A Free Ticket To IZEAFest =-.
I’m following Pokengirl on twitter
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Win A Free Ticket To IZEAFest =-.
Oh yeah, I’m pretty sure I was following @BenSpark before I entered the contest
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..One video a week from my flip. =-.
tweet for the day 8/9:
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..Sunday MckLinky Edition =-.
8/9 tweet with @XShot
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Sunday MckLinky Edition =-.
I follow @Xshot on twitter
I follow @BenSpark on twitter annedoggett
I follow @jentifa on twitter annedoggett
I follow flipbac on twitter
8/10 Tweet:
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..Sunday MckLinky Edition =-.
8/10 tweet
.-= Look at what Melinda wrote blog ..Crayola & Girls Night Out Week 2 Winner =-.
I have subscribed to the iGoogle RSS feed and
followed the following and tweeted to them about the crunchy goodness that is the ultimate izea fest contest.
and briteline
So that should be good for some entries
if I only had time tonight to finish up the video! growl!!!
Well Drew – you inspired me to start the blog I always said I would.
so here’s the first post and it does include the 11th reason to go to izeafest and the 11th item.
.-= Look at what Marcus D’Amelio wrote blog ..Entropy is fun…… really! =-.
Well you finally made me to what I always said I needed to. I have created the blog…… Have Viking Hat – Will travel!
So enjoy the first post and the 11th reason to attend izeafest and the 11th item to bring.
.-= Look at what Marcus D’Amelio wrote blog ..Entropy is fun…… really! =-.
@MommaDJane is now following @flipbac
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
@MommaDJane is now following @pokengirl
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
Tweeted about contest
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
Another tweet to a sponsor
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
I tweeted you
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
Tweeted @MarketLeverage
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
I tweeted @MarketLeverage
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
Tweeted @MLDina
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
Tweeted @XShot
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
Tweeted @IzeaFest
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
Tweeted @MarDeck
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
Tweeted @Eboost
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
I tweeted @briteview
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
Tweeted @Jentifa
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
Tweeted @flipbac
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..One video a week from my flip. =-.
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..One video a week from my flip. =-.
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..One video a week from my flip. =-.
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..One video a week from my flip. =-.
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..One video a week from my flip. =-.
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..One video a week from my flip. =-.
Daily tweet 8/11:
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..Kaskey Kids Sports Action Figures Review and Giveaway =-.
Video is finally uploaded on You Tube although processing is not quite done.
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
Blog post with video and 11th answer on both lists.
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..Back to School with Box Tops =-.
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack =-.
And Finally – THE VIDEO
wish I had more time to do some editing – but enjoy some silly Viking Hat Fun!
I follow @EricSchechter on twitter
.-= Look at what Rob wrote blog ..Shoprite’s Partners in Caring fight against hunger =-.
I follow @Timothy_Jones on Twitter
video on Vimeo
.-= Look at what MommaDJane wrote blog ..IZEAFest 2009 with Ben Spark =-.