I ran a little competition for the past month for tickets to IZEAFest plus a little prize pack.
Little – Not Quite – We Are Talking Ultimate!

This prize pack as made possible through the help of Sponsors: @BenSpark, @MarketLeverage, @MlDina, @Xshot, @IZEAFest, @MarDeck, @eboost, @briteview, @jentifa, @flipbac, @PokenGirl. and Judges: @MurrayNewlands, @ericschechter, @Timothy_Jones, and @KimAnnCurtin
With their help I was able to put together the Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack which includes: An IZEAFest 2009 pass for the entire event including the Kickoff Party at Busch Gardens Tampa on Thursday October 1, 2009 & Blogger Takeover day at SeaWorld on Sunday October 4, 2009. This pass also gets you into all the parties, the swag and the speaker sessions. Did I forget to mention IZEAHunt you get to participate in that too. This pass alone is one highly sought after prize!
But that is not all: The Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack ALSO includes:
- An XShot from XShotpix.com.
- A Flipbac – an angle viewfinder and LCD screen protector for digital cameras. From Flipbac Innovations.
- A Polaroid Pogo and ZINK Paper from ZINK Imaging
- A Swag bag from MarketLeverage
- A BenSpark.com Swag pack from Me
- A Poken of your choice from PokenGirl
- A Flip Mino HD from MarketLeverage TV
- A Case of BluFrog Wildly Healthy Energy Drink from Martha Decker.
- 1 Tube of Orange and 5 Pink Lemonade Daily Heath Booster Packets from EBOOST.
- A CinemaCube – from brite-View via The Dirty Shirt
- An Asus Eee PC 1000HA from MarketLeverage
- “Why do I Want to Hang with BenSpark at IZEAFest 2009?”
- “How will IZEAFest 2009 Change My Life?”
- “What Am I Most Looking Forward to at IZEAFEst 2009?”
- Add an 11th reason in 10 Great Reasons to Go to IZEAFest 2009!
- Add 11th thing to 10 Items to Bring With You to IZEAFest 2009
Each of the entrants was asked to answer 5 questions, 3 on video and two on blog posts.
Video Questions
Blog Questions
And here are the Finalists
MommaDJane – IZEAFest 2009 with Ben Spark
Marcus – Entropy is fun…… really!
Buck Daddy – My Entry into BenSpark.com Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Contest
Christian Blethen – Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack
So, what do you think of everyone’s answers? Which one would you have chosen if you were a judge?
The Judges have made their choice for the Ultimate Winner and Random.org has Picked out the two runner ups. The die has been cast and will be revealed on Monday, August 17th on MarketLeverage TV which will become MLTV the Network with many new shows instead of just MLTV.
I’m so excited to be announcing the winners on Monday! We’ve had a blast checking out the entries and getting ready for the ML/CB smackdown during IZEAHunt. Clickbooth- you’re goin’ down!
And on the brand new Wrap up Channel for MarketLeverageTV. That is pretty awesome! This contest on the debut show!
Can’t wait!
.-= Look at what cbthatsme wrote blog ..Going down the mountain =-.
Oh hard choice. All are great!
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Yep, only a few short days till the MarketLeverageTV Network and their WrapUp channel debuts.
No one stood out for you? Not even a teensy bit.
If I had to vote for someone besides myself, I would go with ……… ERROR 423.21 CONNECTION LOST….reconnect in .345
That was weird so yeah that’s my vote. All of had outstanding qualities.
Christian was so funny
MommaDJane was super authentic
Marcus was a great shot and fun!
BuckDaddy’s oh wait that’s me.
So yeah, if I don’t win, the entry I think shoudl win is …a.da.dad.fda.dfa
.-= Look at what Buck “Daddy” Rogers wrote blog ..What I am reading and thinking of reading? =-.
Nice! I love how you remain very diplomatic even if you wanted to probably say INTERNET CONNECTION TERMINATED.
seriously though, I have to say everyone who put in the time for the video was special in their own way. I bet the judges did have a hard time. So congrats to all involved! Whoever wins certainly deserves it! I am just thankful that the time I have spent doing this contest has really helped push me along the first steps in joining the world of successful bloggers and want to thank all involved.
.-= Look at what Marcus D’Amelio wrote blog ..A Gem of Wisdom =-.
Glad to help and to be someone who was able to inspire you in some way.