10 Best Reasons to go to IZEAFest 2009

Before I get into the 10 Biggest reasons to go, here is the #1 way to get there in style! Enter BenSpark’s Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Prize Pack Contest.

Yes, I am going to tell you about the 10 BEST Reasons to go to IZEAFest 2009. How do I know that these will be the best reasons? Trust me, I know IZEA and I know that they DO IT UP BIG!

#10. LocationIZEAFest is in Sunny Orlando, Florida which is home to some amazing theme parks like Disney, Sea World and Universal. Last year there was a blogger takeover of Universal. This year, who knows. But I do know it will be an amazing time. This Year IZEAFEst is at SeaWorld and it was recently annoucned that the opening party is at Busch Gardens Howl-O-Scream!

#9. SWAG – IZEA certainly does know a thing or two about swag. They were very generous at IZEAFest 2008. Check out my Swag Bag.

@izeafest Swag Bag

#8. Friendships – You get to see people that you have probably only talked to to twitter or through your blog. Now it is time to make some connections to real live people in real life.

Post IZEAHunt

#7. Sponsors – Sponsors for IZEAFest rock. Last year there were a ton of them and this year a ton more. My money is on somebody like BluFrog supplying us with Energy drinks so we can keep up with Ted Murphy.

#6. The IZEA Team – People who are working at IZEA have a phenomenal way about them. I am so glad to call them my friends. IZEAFest wouldn’t happen without Ashley. That man rocks!

Ashley & MeAndrew and Trevor

#5. Food – Oh man the food at IZEAFest is so good. We had tons of great stuff at Watiki and various other restaurants. I myself would certainly love to see a Blogger takeover of Pancheros. Every time Ted Tweets about them I want to eat there and I’ve never been.

# 4. Cake Plows – Speaking of food, oh man the things we do to cake.

Post Cake Plow

# 3. The Speakers – Each year IZEAFest ratchets things up a notch, last year they even got John Chow, Jeremy Schoemaker, Stephanie Agresta and Neil Patel to do a Big Money Bloggers Panel which I moderated. I was nervous as all hell. This year the list is also very impressive with people like:

You will also have a chance to meet the members of the IZEA advisory board:

– Michael Brito (http://www.britopian.com)
– Brian Clark (http://www.copyblogger.com)
– Jim Kukral (http://www.jimkukral.com)
– Neil Patel (http://www.quicksprout.com)
– Wendy Piersall (http://www.sparkplugging.com)
– Jeremy Schoemaker (http://www.shoemoney.com)
– Missy Ward (http://www.affiliatesummit.com)

Along with our IZEA Insiders:

– Kathleen Argonza (http://toughgirl101.com)
– Drew Bennett (https://benspark.com)
– Laurie Brosius (http://laviedelaurie.com)
– Brett Bumeter (http://something-about-harry.com/)
– Elizabeth Edwards (http://table4five.net)
– Corrin Foster (http://corrinrenee.com/)
– Lisa Martin (http://mythoughtsideasandramblings.com/)
– Steve Sanders (http://steven-sanders.com)
– Heather Smith (http://socialspark.com/bloggers/heather-in-beautiful-bc)
– Julie Vazquez(http://juliesjournal.com)

2. Ted Murphy – I bet you were thinking that I would put Ted Murphy as my number one best reason to attend IZEAFest 2009 but you are wrong. Ted is an amazing guy but he is merely a catalyst for the most important part of IZEAFest 2009.

Allison and Ted

1. YOU – Yes having YOU at IZEAfest is pretty much the best thing about it. By being there you are saying that you love blogging about things and having fun. You want to learn and interact with an amazing group of people. You don’t have to be famous or have a huge blog, you just have to be you and have a willingness to have a great time. That is the best thing about IZEAFest 2009, you being there. So grab your Early Bird Ticket today and Save $50. Only 30 are left. The value you get for your money is the BEST value of all conferences around by far, it is the most inexpensive and gives you an up close and personal look at great blogging and bloggers.

43 thoughts on “10 Best Reasons to go to IZEAFest 2009”

  1. Damn Skippy you’d better go register. I’m pretty much out of cake plow ideas, I think this year I’m going to have to do a stacked cake plow or something so it wraps my whole noggin in cake. 🙂

  2. Ashley,
    I stand behind your guarantee and am so excited for this event that I can barely contain it. Each year IZEAFest evolves into some thing bigger, better and more fun. The value for the money is incredible and I don’t just say that, you can compare what you get at IZEAFest vs anything else and IZEAFest wins hands down.

  3. Thanks Lisa Marie Mary,
    Glad you liked the post. and thanks for help on the typos, my wife would be so happy that someone finally pointed them out to me. I hope that you decide to go, it is such a fun weekend.

  4. Yes, my favorite gadget ever will be hanging out with me all weekend. Will you step into BenSpark’s Photobooth? Will you? I hope so.

  5. I am literally counting down the days until IZEAFest I am that excited and every day that goes by and more sponsors and speakers come on board, I get even MORE excited. By the time we”re getting close, I’ll barely be able to contain myself. IZEAFest ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carri Brights last blog post..IZEA Insiders step-it-up!

  6. Carri,
    Did you make a countdown chain like when people would countdown the last days till Christmas. I think an IZEAFest countdown chain is in order. I am loving all the speakers, and sponsors and info so far, it is amazing.

  7. I think I was one of the first 10 people to sign-up! I only needed one reason: It’s IZEAFest! 🙂

    Seriously, I can’t wait for this year’s event. I met some BenSpark/photo guy there, last year. 🙂

    I will definitely have my XShot (and so should everyone else that’s going) along with a Flip and a bunch of other toys. 🙂

    Great post, Drew!

    Tim Joness last blog post..Best Super Bowl Commercials

  8. Tim,
    I seem to recall meeting you. Did we get an Xshot photo together? We really should have. Lets make a point to remedy that this year. Looking forward to seeing you in Florida at IZEAFest 2009!

  9. Hey Heather,
    I am really interested in trying that BluFrog. If I had some way to distribute it I would certainly love to pick up a case or two. Who knows. Having Xshot there is so cool. I hopefully will get to meet Michael from Xshot in person. That would so awesome, I’ve known him for the past few years and it is will be so cool to finally shake his hand and also to get a photo with our Xshots. I hope he’ll be there.

    I’m so excited about the surprises.

  10. Christine,

    I hope you can make it this year again and be on our team for scavenger hunt. I think we would have kicked total butt if our whole team got to stick together.

  11. Deb,
    You certainly should break out and be less shy. The connections that you make during IZEAFest are some amazing ones so the more you put out there the more comes back in return. 🙂

  12. Morning, Drew!

    Your response to my comment got me to thinking of an official IZEAFest countdown. But, a bit more 2.0 than a countdown chain. So, we have skitched up a photo that @IZEAFest tweeted this morning through TwitPic and (you should love this!), we’ll be sending out a new photo each day to help us all count down the days.

    Thanks for that “spark” of inspiration! (I just can’t resist the pun 🙂

    Carri Brights last blog post..FailBlog, you’re amazing.
    I love you more than Spree

  13. Carri,
    I love the daily countdown photo. I would love to submit a couple for you. It would be really cool if people who were going to IZEAFest submit you photos and you add the countdown number to the photo. IT would be a great way for the IZEA community to get involved.

    I love sparking things in people’s imaginations.

  14. Carri,
    You did. Let me know which ones so I don’t double up and send you the same ones. I’m going to make up some brand new ones too.

  15. Julie, it is going to be a fantastic weekend. I am so excited to be a part of it. You will be a wonderful moderator.

  16. Thanks Laurie,
    This will be the best IZEAFest yet. I am very excited to be attending. I had some fun with photoshop and chachi.

  17. surprisingly the first time running into izea. sounds very interesting. will be doing some more research…

    love the contests.. has a good number of people submitted videos?

  18. CCM,
    1st time coming across IZEA, well you are in for a treat, there is so much to know about them. Watch this blog for more info.

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