Today was Farm Day at Eva’s school. This is a very fun event that they do every year for the kids. There was a petting zoo with baby goats, pigs, bunnies, kittens, chicks and ducklings. Eva was really good, she knelt down calmly and let the animals come over to her. Then she promptly pulled her hands away when they wanted to get too close.
Today was my annual company picnic. Last year we missed out on attending because of Affiliate Summit and I am glad that this year ASE is next weekend. I consider myself very lucky to be working at a place that still pulls off an amazing company picnic each and every year and they have done so for 42 years. Each year it gets better and better. And this year was great because Eva at nearly 4 years old, can enjoy so many of the games and rides. Continue reading Ride like the Wind, Alpaca?→