Tag Archives: Rain

After The Rain

after the rain
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01360

This morning when I went to my Krav Maga class it was pouring so hard that I could not hear my radio. Inside the building it was even hard to hear Sensei Brochu and he can be loud. The rain was torrential today and was like that most of the day. However, after the kids had their classes things lightened up and got nice. The evening turned out pretty good overall.

Rain to Help the Flowers

Photo-A-Day #2968

It has been wet and rainy off and on all week at home. While I’m not thrilled about being unable to grill comfortably I do like that it is greening up the lawn, except for the spots that I killed with the leaves from this past fall and winter. A couple of spots are growing new grass but others are having a tough time.

The Rhododendrons have begun to bloom though and they look great. After they have gone through this flowering stage I think we’ll need to cut them back a bit though. The bush is getting out of control.