Tag Archives: Reindeer in Here

Reindeer in Here – Our Soon to Be New Christmas Tradition

Reindeer in Here out of box

Like most parents who celebrate Christmas you may be considering an elf on the Shelf. We have had one for several years and our Fitzy is a beloved member of the family. The kids cannot wait for his return the day after Thanksgiving. I am fortunate that my children still have Christmas magic in their hearts and believe in Santa Claus. However, I’m getting a bit tired of Elf on the Shelf and his rules. You can’t touch him and you have to move him every night. Many an evening either myself or Allison has shot up in bed to curse, “I forgot to move the #$!!@ elf!” It is a bit exhausting but we started this thing and have to see it through. Had Reindeer in Here been an option way back when then we certainly would have gone that route.

We received our Reindeer in Here for free to check out and review. If you buy one make sure you gt to the box first as it says Reindeer in Here on the box. The one day that Andrew goes out to get the boxes for me was this day. Hopefully he will not remember when our Reindeer comes to stay with us on December 1st.

Reindeer in Here was created by dadpreneur, Adam reed. Adam is a father of two and a Hollywood TV producer. Being a dad is what he loves most in life. He created a new Christmas tradition last year called Reindeer in Here http://www.reindeerinhere.com initially for his own family when he couldn’t find a viable positive option to Elf on the Shelf, which he saw has having many negative attributes. Continue reading Reindeer in Here – Our Soon to Be New Christmas Tradition