Tag Archives: Restaurant

Dinner at Halligan’s

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01905

Tonight we went to a new place for dinner. We went to Halligan’s. This is a firefighter themed restaurant in North Attleboro that is run by North Firefighters or a retired North Firefighter. It has great bar fare and their burgers were excellent.

Halligan Burger

The place had a bunch of photos from the North Attleboro Fire House. I liked the lighting fixtures and also the sculpture that they had at the bar. That was really cool looking.

Massive Chocolate Chip Cookie Sundae

Massive Chocolate Chip Cookie Sundae
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00897

Tonight we went to Bliss Bros Dairy for dinner. With karate and everything else going on today the day got totally away from us and so we decided that we’d take the kids to Bliss for their exceptional report cards. We have hamburgers planned for tomorrow night, we actually had them planned for tonight and or for this past Monday but the last couple of days with Allison working and me working on videos was a challenge and we gave in to the easy way this time. But that dessert was worth it!