Tag Archives: Saint Patrick’s Day

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day 2014

Photo-A-Day #3265

We celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day in our usual way with a fresh made Irish Soda Bread and Corned Beef and Cabbage. This year we had our friends over for dinner. Eva and I made placemats for everyone, with help from Allison’s cutting skills. We also made a Leprechaun Trap. For a snack we put together some Lucky Chick Mix. This is a combination of a bunch of snacks. The combination is made up of M&Ms, Peanuts, Honey Roasted Sesame Seed Sticks, Teddy Grahams, Pretzels and Lucky Charms. Take all of it and melt in some candy chips to put everything together.

Here’s the video that inspired our snack mix.

We had a great evening and so much fun together.

Building a Better Leprechaun Trap

Photo-A-Day #3264

We’ve been very crafty around the house lately. I wrote a post for the Cooper & Kid site about the Crayola site for crafting. Today Eva and I created a Leprechaun trap/hotel. She had a bunch of ideas about what to make. We worked all afternoon on it and I think that she was pretty happy with the final results. Click below for a few more photos of our completed Leprechaun trap. Continue reading Building a Better Leprechaun Trap