Tag Archives: San Diego Comic-Con

Unboxing The SDCC18 PX Previews Exclusive Hyper Phase Voltron Legendary Defender

The SDCC Previews Exclusive Hyper Phase Voltron!

I was beyond thrilled to come home from Sweet suite to find that Playmates Toys had sent me the 2018 San Diego Comic-Con Previews Exclusive Hyper Phase Voltron Legendary Defender set!!!! I could not wait to unbox it but I had to because of work. However. I finally got a chance to open the box and show you the entire set. Please watch the unboxing below!!

You guys helped me convince Playmates that I should receive one of these sets to review. Let them know that they did not make a mistake and keep watching and liking the video, please. Continue reading Unboxing The SDCC18 PX Previews Exclusive Hyper Phase Voltron Legendary Defender

Voltron Hyper-Phase Legendary Lion Assortment – A San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive

Voltron Combined - Posed

Another San Diego Comic-Con is coming soon and once again I am not going to be able to be in attendance. Well, at least my streak is alive. This year there is a set that I would really love to get and that is the Voltron Hyper-Phase Legendary Lion Assortment! This is the newly upgraded lions form Voltron Legendary Defender. I saw a sneak peek of these back when Toy Fair was happening and I always thought that they’d be available everywhere. I am hoping that aver Comic-Con they might become more widely available. I hope.

These toys come from Playmates Toys, the master toy licensee for DreamWorks Animation’s hit show on Netflix, Voltron Legendary Defender. I have just finished Season 6 and I saw a tweet the other day from Rhys Darby, who voices Coran in the show. I guess there will be some Voltron announcements at Comic-Con. I wonder what they will be… Something about Season 7 perhaps?

That is cool but what is cooler is this new Voltron Hyper-Phase Legendary Lion Assortment! I have the details of the set and where to get it at Comic-Con. This set is going to be in an Exclusive 5-piece box set! Awesome! They had the first incarnation of Voltron Legendary Defender in a five piece box set at Toys R Us recently. I was waiting for it to drop in price a bit but missed my window and never got it. I really wanted it to compliment my full Classic Voltron set of all five lions.

Don’t You Guys Want to See Me Do an Unboxing Video of this Set??

Continue reading Voltron Hyper-Phase Legendary Lion Assortment – A San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive