Tag Archives: Santa

Brunch with Santa at Angelina’s

Photo-A-Day #3899

Santa and all the kids

Each year we try and go to brunch with Santa. We’ve been doing it for a number of years and it is very fun for the kids and for us. We go with my parents and this year we also went with my sister, Shelby and her kids and Grandpa Rick. the kids did pretty well with Santa. Dylan, Andrew and Eva are old pros with Santa but Kylie is a little new with the whole thing. She was a bit upset sitting on Santa’s lap but she got better as time went on. She was much better when it was Shelby and Dylan on Santa’s lap. Continue reading Brunch with Santa at Angelina’s

Serious Christmas Hat

Photo-A-Day #3542

Tonight was the yearly Christmas Party for work. This year we went all out because the woman who coordinates the parties did such a phenomenal job. She decorated, set up games and an ugly sweater contest. We also had a Yankee Swap and more. I wore a mudflap sort of hat with reindeer antlers on it and a Transformers inspired “ugly Sweater” T-Shirt. I brought a cherry pie, cool whip, butter crunch ice cream and a pound cake to use to make parfaits. They were pretty tasty.

We had a lot of fun with the games. The biggest laugh was playing a game where we had to throw marshmallows through a wreath and into a trash can. Whoever got do the most in a minute won. I was doing pretty well with 24 until I got smoked by a guy who did 33. We even had Santa and people sat on his lap. It was a fun time for everyone.