Photo-A-Day #1511
Do you see a flower that is ready to bloom again or one that is going to die?

Photo-A-Day #1511b Bonus
Do you see the sign keeping people away or do you see the Geese and goslings paddling along?
FYI: Might be slow to update here for a while. I’ll still be posting up photos each day.

Photo-A-Day #1327
On the way to work yesterday I noticed this sign just as I was driving by. I thought it was funny and decided to make sure I got a shot of it on my way home from work today. This is a local liquor store that has crazy funny things going on all the time. They even have a myspace profile.
It is also kinda sad because Thanksgiving should be a nice time to spend with family but often it becomes an incredibly stressful event. Not making a judgment either way just hope that everyone has a nice Thanksgiving. I do think we’ve all thought about that sign once or twice, though.
Short post tonight because Eva will not sleep, she just keeps crying every time I put her down and when I pick her up she just latches on and won’t let go. I let her watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and she was memorized for a while then started playing. I tried putting her down again but she jut screamed. She never does this. But then again she does something every single day that she never does. The crying is getting more intense. Must go.
One Family's Adventures in the World