Tag Archives: Sister

NAHS Young Alumni Award

Photo-A-Day #1869

My sister Tara was awarded the Young Alumni award from North Attleboro High School. As a family we went over to the Highland Country Club for the awards ceremony. It was a very nice celebration of people who have given some terrific service to the North Attleboro Community. It was a great feeling being in a room fully of people who’s passions gave them the strength and courage to be of service to North Attleboro. Continue reading NAHS Young Alumni Award

Local Event: Bow Wow Meow Luau


While I am not a community blogger per se, I do like to spotlight events that are happening in North Attleboro, especially those that we have close personal ties to. The event that is happening next is the Bow Wow Meow Luau which is a great event to raise money for the North Attleboro Animal Shelter. Our little guys Duncan and Oliver (if you are new here you probably have not heard a word about them in since Eva was born, sorry. Should have blogged about how they peed in a box of books and stained our floor, that was fun to clean up last night. But we still love them.) came from the shelter. My sister Tara is on the board of The Friends of the North Attleboro Animal Shelter and I’m their blog/web guy. So it is only fitting that I plug this event here on this blog. It is also an open call to local North Attleboro and surrounding area bloggers to meet up with me that night. Tickets for the event are only $20 and the money goes to a great cause. My sister Tara provided me with this press release and the photos. I’ve taken my own sets of North Attleboro Animal Shelter photos in the past and should get over there and do some more.

The Friends of the North Attleboro Animal Shelter would like you to join them at the first annual FNAAS Bow Wow Meow Luau on Saturday August 22nd from 5-9pm at the North Attleboro Elks Pavilion on Bulfinch Street. The evening will feature luau fare and a barbecue dinner, DJ and dancing, a 50/50 raffle, horseshoe tournament, traditional raffle and cash bar. Raffle items include New England Patriots tickets, a 2-night luxury hotel stay, a LG-Neon phone and many items and gift certificates generously donated by local businesses. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with friends and family while supporting the efforts of the North Attleboro Animal Shelter.

Tickets can be purchased in advance for just $20 at the Preservation Framer (My Cousin Matt’s Business) in downtown North Attleboro, Duggan Law Office at 17 Jay Street or the North Attleboro Animal Shelter. You may also purchase tickets for $25 at the door on the day of the event. For more information about the event, becoming a member of the Friends of the North Attleboro Animal Shelter or to make a donation, please visit our website at www.fnaas.org or contact Tara Bennett at info @ fnaas.org


Isn’t that shot awesome. I wish I was the one who took the photo. If you would like to help spread the word and are local, please print out a flyer and ask to hang it at local businesses, Blog about the event or tweet about the event, just use the twitter icon below.