Tag Archives: Snow Shovel

Snow Shoveling Help

Photo-A-Day #3563

When we went to Santa’s Village Andrew used his money to buy a shovel. He wanted his own shovel to use when the snow falls this Winter. Today it snowed about an inch or so and he was excited to get outside and shovel for a bit. Eva was also happy to get out and shovel with us as well. She’s had her own small shovel for years, it is a bit too small for her now. I shoveled around the sidewalks and some of the back patio. When I was done the kids came out and “helped”. Help from a 7 year old and a 3 year old is more like snow being thrown all over the place, but they had fun.

Today was Andrew’s first swimming lesson after a while. I think he was just turning two when we had our last one. The lesson went pretty well overall. He wants to go everywhere but he won’t let go of me and if he does get separated from me he sinks with his mouth wide open. He refused to blow bubbles and do blast offs but he had no fear jumping way out into the water to my arms. However, holding on to the side of the pool and his arm being 4 inches from mine he started screaming. It was the first lesson, he’ll get more confidence.