Tag Archives: Spaghetti

Baron Von Slurpington

Photo-A-Day #3566

I cannot stand listening to people eat. You’d be surprised how many people can’t close their mouths when they eat and they make the most disgusting noises. I used to sit near a guy and I’d have to jam my headphones into my ears just to keep from getting sick. Sounded like hippos chewing taffy while sloshing around in the mud. Gross.

The one time I don’t much mind it is when the kids eat spaghetti. Andrew and I have gone to Briggs Corner a few times because he loves their spaghetti and meatballs. We went tonight to celebrate Allison’s birthday, belatedly. She and I split a surf and turf dinner that was pretty tasty. We all split some wings which worked out great because Eva and I eat the drumsticks and Allison and Andrew like the wings. 8 wings split down the middle, perfect. The kids split a plate of spaghetti and some meatballs. Andrew is getting the hang of slurping up the strands of spaghetti and right now, it is cute. He kept taking big piles of the spaghetti and saying, “Oh this is way too much” and then taking a huge bite. We did get some laughter from his little antics. He’s a funny kid.

That’s One Way to Eat Spaghetti

Photo-A-Day #2684

Who knew that a company picnic would knock me on my butt so hard. Of course after the picnic yesterday I tried to get some sleep back at home before going back to work for my last night of the weekend. I got two hours.

Not Enough.

So I was a wreck today.

I slept till 11:35am from 8am when Eva and her friend Audrey screamed a welcome to Audrey’s brother Nate. I was up and wide awake after that. I decided to disassemble the Death Star with the help of Nate. He wasn’t much help but instead he built some very cool things with the parts that I wasn’t stuffing into 5 Glad 1 gallon bags. Continue reading That’s One Way to Eat Spaghetti