Tag Archives: Stop Hunger

Another Boat Missed

Bid To Protect Traditional Cornish Pasty

I’m a bit sad about this one. I really needed to get my butt in gear and submit a recipe to the Global Cookbook. This was a project that was put together by the fine folks at FuelMyBlog. The book is in and the are giving away 10 copies. The book was made through Blurb and if you wanted to purchase one you could do so by going to The Global Cookbook on Blurb.

The great thing about FuelMyBlog is the global feel of the site and the blog, Kevin and Sylvie are such wonderful people and as I was starting out as a blogger they helped me so much. With this book they are helping others. The Proceeds from this book will go to Stop Hunger so not only you will have a unique cookbook but you will also be helping this amazing charity.

Had I actually gotten my butt in gear and submitted a recipe I wonder if I would have given out my Fry Sauce one, My Grilled Peanut Butter and Pickle one or my Poor Man Truffle’s one.