Tag Archives: Stop Snowing

Digging Out, Kids Edition

Photo-A-Day #3595

The snow in our back yard is so high that it is almost covering the kids’ playhouse. A bit of the room is sticking out and part of some of the windows and the door can be seen as well. You can get down into the playhouse as well. I was in there today shoveling out some of it and finding all of the balls that we had in the yard under all that snow. Andrew has decided that rather than play inside the house he will climb up on top of the house and slide down. He gets bolder each time he does it and I think that he’s going to stand up and fall off the thing. Granted he isn’t too far from the ground but he might try this when the snow is quite frozen and hard. That would be a problem.

Yet Another Monday Snowblowing

Photo-A-Day #3594

For what has seemed like months but has actually only been a couple of weeks we have seen a snow day on a Monday accompanied by me doing lots and lots of snowblowing. Today was the third Monday, Tuesday or combination of the two in a row that this was the case. I’m getting awfully sick of this Winter that we are having. We’ve got huge icicles on the back of the house and a backyard completely full of snow. We aren’t going to be leaving the house via the front door for months at this rate. Especially when the city dumped a ton of snow right on our fence. Now we have yet another snowstorm on the way in about a week and that one is threatening to ruin my trip to Toy Fair. I’m not happy in the slightest.