Tag Archives: Street Speeder

Unboxing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Warthog Trike and Street Speeder

Bebop and Leonardo and their movie inspired motorcycles
Photo-A-Day #4032

I received two of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vehicles to play with and review. In this post is my honest opinion as well as a video of my thoughts and demonstrations of the figures and vehicles.

The two vehicles that I received were Leonardo’s Street Speeder with Ninja-Flip Action and Bebops Warthog Trike. Both are really well done. I am partial to Bebops trike because he sits much better on it and the trike is way cooler than the sport bike that Leo has, in my opinion. You can see them both in action in the video below. After that I have some additional images.

Here is the official description of the vehicles

Each of the movie-inspired Cycles includes an exclusive action figure and unique ninja action. Cycles that feature ninja-flip action, where the figure will flip over the handlebars into battle position, include the Street Speeder with exclusive Leonardo, and the Ragin’ Racer with exclusive Raphael. Cycles that feature spring-powered missiles include the Warthog Trike with exclusive Bebop, Rhino Chopper with exclusive Rocksteady, and Polaris Slingshot with exclusive Michelangelo.

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