Before I go any further I must tell you I was flown out to the Monsters University event, put up in a hotel and meals were taken care of by Disney. Opinions of the movie and anything I did while there are 100% my own.

When I attended the Monsters University Press event in California last month I had the unique opportunity to be able to sit in on an interview with the movie’s producer, Kori Rae. I say sat in on because I did not actively ask any questions. My fellow attendees did a great job of asking questions and I couldn’t think of any. I’m much better one on one with people and not in a big group. I didn’t catch Kori at the reception after viewing the movie like I did with the movie’s director Dan Scanlon or with the director of The Blue Umbrella, Saschka Unseld. I’ll tell you more about those conversations when I write about those experiences next month. This post is about Kori Rae and what we learned from her. And by the way, Monsters University comes out on June 21, 2013. Then you can see what I’ve been talking about for the past month. Continue reading I Sat Down with Monsters University Producer Kori Rae at the #MonstersUEvent