Tag Archives: Summer Camp

Last Day of Archery Camp

archery camp
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01312

Today was the last day for both Andy and Eva at their respective camps. Well, Andy was at camp, Eva was at more of an orientation week prior to going to her first year of High School.

Andy had been in an archery camp for the past week. 2 Hours each morning to fire off arrows at targets, do some water balloon fun and more. He enjoyed it but after one week he was pretty much archery-ed out. We spoke with the woman running the camp about what programs were offered at X-Spot throughout the year and got a ton of information on the program. I figured that archery was something that Andy had an interest in doing but I think that he got his fill this week because he did not get that excited of the prospect of continuing the archery journey. We’ll still be searching for his thing for a bit.

Eva had a nice last day at Freshman Academy. She got to spend some time with some new friends who are interested in the theater. Eva and I talked about the things she was interested in with regards to the theater. Mostly costume design and possibly makeup. She knows a lot about cosplay makeup and I know that she could learn how to do stage makeup as well. I was happy to hear that she had made some friends this week and I know that once she gets into the swing of high school and into some clubs she’ll find her people.

Andy’s Final Day of Cooking/Baking Camp

Andy at Camp
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01305

Today was Andy’s last day at the cooking/baking camp. We were invited to come in and sample the treats that the kids made. They had some brownies with marshmallow and white chocolate. There were some sugar crisps with chocolate, caramel, raspberry and vanilla sauces. They also made various drinks. One Andy’s teachers works at an ice cream shop that makes cereal milk ice cream. Andy got to sample the fruity pebbles ice cream. He loved it.

andy with the chefs

Andy was really in his element this past week. He came home with such excitement over what he did during his camp. He couldn’t wait to go back each day either. When he arrived the kids and the teachers greeted him warmly. Allison said that when she dropped him off he was like Norm from Cheers. I’m very glad to hear that. After the year he had in school he needs some social wins.