Tag Archives: Swag

Mad Gringo Comes Through With Great Swag

Distributing Mad Gringo Swag

When I decided to get Jimmy Buffett tickets this year I tweeted that I had a bunch and maybe people might want to go. I got a message from Mad Greg at Mad Gringo. He said he wanted to go and he’d bring a ton of swag for the tailgating. Well, things happen in life and Greg couldn’t make it however he sent me a box of great Mad Gringo Swag! I was able to make many people very happy!

At the Buffett Concert
Allison and I get ready to distribute the swag.

Steve Sporting the Mad Gringo Ball Cap
Steve Sporting the Mad Gringo Ball Cap

Jim Sporting a Mad Gringo T-Shirt
Jim Sporting a Mad Gringo T-Shirt

Kelly and the Jellyfish Purse
Kelly and the Jellyfish Purse

A Trio of pals with Mad Gringo Swag
A Trio of pals with Mad Gringo Swag

Peace and a Mad Gringo Bumper Sticker
Peace and a Mad Gringo Bumper Sticker

Elizabeth and a Mad Gringo Bumper Sticker
Elizabeth and a Mad Gringo Bumper Sticker

Bill in a Mad Gringo T-Shirt and Lauren in the Mad Gringo Saraong
Bill in a Mad Gringo T-Shirt and Lauren in the Mad Gringo Saraong

Mad Gringo and I gave those folks a fantastic Tailgating experience.

Win Prizes through Twitter

TweetAPrizeIt’s true, you can win prizes by following certain people on twitter. One of the most prolific twitter prize givers is Tweet-A-Prize. They simply ask that you “Follow us on Twitter and Win a Prize

I’ve been following this twitter user and blog and I have to say, they started with a few small prizes but now, now they are giving away some major swag. Tweet-A-Prize is certainly worth a follow and dare I say a column on your tweetdeck too.

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