Photo-A-Day #4343
So, I pre-ordered the Nintendo Switch from Target. I secured one but it is not going to arrive until next Tuesday. so, I’m #SwitchLess for the time being. I did, however pick up a couple of Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild amiibo characters as well as the game itself. I’ve always loved The Legend of Zelda and especially the very first game. That was my game. So, when a new Zelda game comes out I am all about trying it out. This one looks incredible.
I also found a few DC themed Hot wheels cars and picked up some of them including Harley Quinn, Superman and two different Katana vehicles.
I also worked with Brian last night on a speed build of a LEGO version of Lola, Agent Couslon’s car from Agent’s of S.H.I.E.L.D. You’ll have to wait for a while to see who won that competition.